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Lip Augmentation 

Lip Enhancement & Mouth Makeovers with Natural Looking Results

We are pleased to offer our patients non-surgical lip augmentation to enhance the appearance of lips by increasing fullness through the use of hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers from Restylane®.


Lip Augmentation 

Patients who suffer from lips that are disproportionate turn to lip augmentation to resolve this cosmetic issue. By using high quality Restylane® cosmetic injections and having a keen eye for detail, our practice can provide you with lips that have a more proportional appearance.

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Our Lips As We Age 

If you have noticed changes in your lips as you age, this is not your imagination. Since lips have an especially thin outer layer that gets even thinner over time, lips are particularly vulnerable to showing signs of aging. Additionally, the structures that give our lips their full and plump shape and smooth texture begin to wear down during the aging process. The result is that our lips lose their fullness and definition. Many people also notice that the corners of their mouth begin to droop downward in a permanent frown, and the upper lip will lose its distinctive v-shaped area (called Cupid’s Bow). Vertical lines can also appear in the mouth area, even in patients who are non-smokers.

The way that your lips age is largely due to lifestyle choices and genetics. While you can influence half of this equation by wearing SPF lip protector, eating a balanced diet, and not smoking, there is not a lot any of us can do about the genetic aspect. Fortunately, our lip augmentation procedure can be used at any phase of the aging process to rejuvenate and replenish the lips and surrounding area.

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Mouth Makeover 

As a premier dermatology practice, we offer a wide array of cosmetic procedures, and can extend our lip augmentation treatment into a full mouth makeover. We use Dysport®, a botulinum toxin injection, to reduce vertical lines around the mouth, known as “lip stick lines or “smoker’s lines”. Microneedling and Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing can also be used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the lips.

What to Expect 

Following the injection, the lips are gently massaged to evenly distribute the filler. Restylane® for lips lasts about six months or longer. This filler is also reversible and makes a great option for those who are new to lip enhancement procedures.


Our lip augmentation experts inject the lips with the hyaluronic acid based Restylane® dermal filler to restore volume and fullness. A topical numbing cream can be applied prior to the injections to improve a patient’s comfort.

Why Lip Augmentation? 

When lips become thin or disproportionate, this tells a story of aging and negatively impacts the entire face. Whether your cosmetic goal is to subtly adjust your lip’s appearance, add volume, or improve lip symmetry, our custom-tailored lip augmentation treatments will deliver the results you desire, while improving your quality of life and increasing your self-confidence.

Love your Lips 

Because lips are the main way of communicating, lips influence how you are perceived socially, in intimate relationships, and even professionally.


Being comfortable with every aspect of your appearance is important, as first impressions are lasting and having self-confidence can positively impact every aspect of your life.

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